Whole Wellness

If you’re reading this, we probably met at the Whole Wellness: Beauty, Brains and Booty event.

We’re honored that you chose to visit this page, and hope that this is a step towards more restful sleep for you!

If you want to see more of the facts featured at the event, head over to our sleep facts page. And finally, please check out our new Sleep Podcast. (or subscribe on Apple Podcasts)

Featured Items

Now for the goods, the following items were featured in the Sleep.ist section at Whole Wellness:


The 8-Hour Sleep Paradox by Dr. Mark Burhenne. You can’t sleep well if you don’t breathe well. Dr. Burhenne teaches us how to diagnose and treat sleep breathing disorders. Start here. And read Sleep.ist’s full review here. 

Why We Sleep by Dr. Michael Breus. This is considered the master work of the sleep world, and for good reason. This is the most in-depth-yet-accessible sleep book published to date. A must read.

The Sleep Revolution by Arianna Huffington. We proudly support Arianna Huffington’s crusade to make sleep sexy again. It’s good to see a respected celebrity fighting the good fight.



GermGuardian AC4825. This simple HEPA air filter can help lower the allergen count in your room – a key breathing freely as you slumber. $80.99 on Amazon. 

Molekule Air Filter. Boasting NASA technology and better-than-HEPA performance, this is a Cadillac of home air filters. $799 on the Molekule website.

hOmeLabs Ionic Purifier with HEPA Filter. If space is limited and you want something smaller, this is a powerful but quiet option to keep on the nightstand. Just remember to cover that blue light on the button. $34.99 on Amazon.

Housmile anti-dustmite vacuum with UV and HEPA technology. This is one of the finds in our quest for better breathing. $69.99 on Amazon.

Costa Farms Snake Plant. Not all air filters have to be mechanical. Add some greenery to your bedroom with this easy to maintain, air purifying plant. $37.99 on Amazon.

LUCID Encasement Mattress Cover. A quality mattress cover keeps both allergens and bed bugs out of your life. A critical piece of the sound sleep puzzle. $29.99 on Amazon.

Home Fashion Designs Pillow Protector. This is not a pillow case. It’s like a mattress protector for your pillow, and amazing at keeping allergens out of your airways. $12.99 on Amazon.

Nightstand Cooling Humidifier. Breathe better on dry days and when the air conditioner is on. Great for diffusing scents as well. $23.99 on Amazon.


Lighting Science Blue Blocking Lightbulbs. Blue light from regular bulbs disrupts your circadian rhythm – these amber light filter out the blue spectrum and help you effortlessly ease into sleep. $30.25 for a 2-pack on Amazon.

Gunnar Optiks Blue Blocking Glasses. Wear these at night to filter out unnatural light frequencies, and help your brain know it’s bed time. $50 on Amazon.

KAMOSSA 3d eye mask. A reliable, simple and inexpensive sleep mask. Read our sleep masking buying guide here. $8.99 on Amazon.




AcousticSheep Sleep Headphones. A super comfortable set of headphones hidden in a headband. Great for white noise, sleep sounds and relaxing snooze session. $99.95 on Amazon.

Nayoya Accupressure Mat. You’re at home acupuncture session. Use to release stress, relieve muscle tightness and great for insomnia. $39.97 on Amazon.





Spire Stone Stress Tracker. This nifty gadget clips to your belt buckle and tracks stress levels through the day. More stress = less sleep. Sleep.ist review here. $129.95 on Amazon.

SLEEPON Oxygen and Apnea Tracker. A little ring you wear in your sleep to track blood oxygen saturation and apnea events. $129.00 on Amazon.

ResMed Sleep Tracker. This sleep tracker uses sonar technology to detect motion and breathing. $51.55 on Amazon.




Always remember, “Success is a good night’s rest.”

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