
Success is a good night’s rest. The world is changing, but one thing isn’t: our need to sleep. Sleep.ist is on a mission to bring sleep back into today’s dialogue, to help modern people find a good night’s rest. Through expert interviews, high tech discoveries and actionable tips, we’re creating a community that champions sleep. As Tim Ferriss says,
“In the end, success is sleeping well.”

Who are the Sleepists?

Josh “Zzz” Levine 

It wasn’t until I hit my mid-30s that I considered the possibility that my poor sleep habits had a negative impact on my quality of life. I’ve had a lifetime of bad sleep. In my 20’s, I wore it as a badge of honor that I could often go on less than 4 hours of sleep. Even in my childhood, I cannot remember a time when I got a full night of sleep. I’ve always had difficulty falling asleep. I wake up multiple times during the night. Once I’m up, it is even harder for me to fall back asleep. I can’t remember a time I’ve slept more than 5 hours straight. Even when I’ve had an alarm clock, I have always woken up before it goes up. It doesn’t matter how early it was set. I was diagnosed with add as an adult. I finally understood why I had so many problems with attention and focus. As I got older, and the effects of poor sleep quality became more apparent, I started to consider that my ADD symptoms could also have its root in my sleep quality. ADD diminishes with age in many cases, but it has gotten worse for me. Even the medication became less effective. When the medication was effective in helping me focus, I still didn’t like the other effects it had on me. I only took it when I absolutely needed to get something done. But now, even when I do take it, it has little effect. Hence begins my journey into better sleep.

Vlad “Snorlax” Shenderovich 

Some people are naturally great sleepers. I am not one of those people. After years of insomnia, and tens of thousands of dollars spent on optimizing sleep, it’s time to share my journey with you. Five years ago I was depressed, overweight and stuck in dead-end job. On a fitness bet, I found the inside of a gym and it changed everything. My longstanding battle with depression was over, and for the first time I felt in control of my life. As my health improved, my career and relationships did too. In less than five years I went from mailroom guy to Director of Operations, and I credit all of it to my health journey. As I treaded the health landscape, I experimented with every fitness program I could find – Bro Splits, Strength Training, Intervals. When I realized that barbells wouldn’t be enough, I looked to nutrition. Quickly diet became lifestyle – Tim Ferriss’ Slow Carb, Bulletproof, Paleo, Keto, IF and more. I looked at all of it as data, and my body as the lab rat. Fitness turned into a longevity quest, and the puzzle piece that always eluded me was sleep. After years of sleep experiments, I’m taking all of my slumbering stumbles and successes public, and turning my journey into a mission to improve sleep for everyone. The best health aid, nootropic and life hack is a better night’s rest.          

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